A few words about me
My name is Tereza Kralova, I am a massage therapist, and I am fascinated by the communication and connectedness within the human body. Thanks to this passion, I mainly focus my attention on myofascial structures. I graduated from the West Coast College of Massage Therapy in Canada, BC. During my case study I was introduced to the concept of myofascial meridians described by Thomas Myers and since that time his concept has greatly influenced my practice. Thanks to him I have been focusing on whole myofascial chains instead of only working on the affected tissue. Recently, I have been interested in Karin Gurtner´s work where she has translated and transposed the myofascial meridians into movement and developed the Slings myofascial training concept. This is now the path of my current education. Connecting manual therapy and this exercise makes sense for me and I believe that it will be hugely beneficial for my clients as well.
What to expect from my therapeutic massage
Firstly, we spend some time discussing your health history and the reason for your visit. Then during the massage, I use a variety of gentle techniques, which means it is a pleasant and relaxing experience overall. I perform myofascial release techniques without any oil and then for all other techniques I use pure coconut oil of which I use only a small amount so that I can feel the individual muscles and I can work specifically on them and their attachments. I release myofascial trigger points with a gentle pressure which I adjust according to the tissue feedback and then If necessary, I perform gentle joint mobilizations, kinesiotaping, manual lymph drainage or other techniques. At the end of the appointment we can discuss some homecare recommendations so that your issue won´t come back.